This weekend was all about the chores~!!@@@
Did I get to play?- nope
Did I get to Junk?- nope
Did I get to garage sale?-nope
Did I get to see my friends Debbie and Laurie at Vintage Secrets?-nope
May 1st was the first day of wood cutting permits....So me and the hubs went a wood cuttin.
Of course we could start small.....Oh, but no. We found the biggest downed tree above Carson we could find. WOW, did we get a work out. Not only Saturday, but Sunday to. And not only did I do woodcutting but I also had Kindred Spirit Soap Chores to.
Make foot creme, make shea butter, label them. Oh, and I threw in some painting and laundry for good measure.

Mike is one heck of a stacker. Look at those rows, all even, no holes....
He grumbled at my stackin job. I explained to him "I am doing the best that I can"...
(I failed wood stackin 101 you know)
I believe the comment I got was "my best sucked".....Well I never....

Here is a pic of my Dogwood Tree. I love this tree. Mike's grandma planted this tree when our house was built.
We have a lot of history in our little home. Mike's dad grew up here, we purchased it from his grandfather after his grandma had died.

Love my flowers!!!!

Lilacs are my all time favorite.
Be sure to come see Christa and I at the Mothers Day Plant and Garden Fair this Saturday, downtown
Camas, WA 9-4
Blessings Julie