Another Fabulous weekend. Friday night Mike and I left for Trout Lake, WA. Deer Hunting. We stayed in the Klickitat County Park in our beautiful home on wheels. The weather was so warm, to warm for deer hunting in October,
however the temperature did drop to 24 degrees on Saturday night.....brrrr.
I really wanted to deer hunt but was disappointed not to be home treasure hunting, but low and behold on the side of the road at this cute little farmhouse was a old sewing machine cabinet for sale. We drove by it twice before I finally asked Mike to stop. Oh what a look I got.....But being the sweet husband he is he pulled over and let me look. It was a little dirty, but it had great bones and a beautiful scrolled embellishment that sold me the minute I saw it. I even got it for $5.00 less than what was marked. I will follow up with a picture so all can see. Now my dilemma, do I paint it white or sand and varnish it???? The moral to the story, I didn't come home empty handed. No deer, just a vintage treasure.
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