Today Christa, Shelby and I went over to Portland to an estate sale that we found on Estate Sale Finder.com.
When we arrived we were greeted by a long line to get in, some fierce wind and a little cold weather.
Here is a group picture of what I found today.

Here are some Vintage Birds and a set of plastic Baby Shoes that will find just the right spot on some paper boxes I am going to create. I love this painted porcelain dish. It sits right next to some vintage powder music boxes I found last week. Needless to say I am running out of room for my dresser collection.

An old Postcard/Bookmark from a beautiful castle in Germany, a little vintage
Easter egg with chenille chick and a cute little key holder that will be crafted into another creation. The daisy's caught my eye and can be easily removed.

Another painted porcelain
goodie and a vintage plastic
trolley car.

An old
Anniversary Bell that has some beautiful paper embellishments inside along with two aprons I found that are in perfect condition.

Two more perfect aprons in one of my favorite colors and some very old fabric trim. You can kind of see the old
Poinsettia linen table cloth that is in really great shape. This will also be added to my collection of vintage Linen Christmas tablecloths.

Here is the Leather Suitcase I found hidden in a closet filled with dolly clothes. I
don't think anyone thought is was for sale and it is in really good condition. Score!!!

Well after about an hour my sore foot (I had foot surgery on Monday) was ready to be propped back up on my cozy down pillow for a rest. Wow, crutches are really a work out!
Hope you all have a wonderful Week!!!